
patients to age 12


Your dental hygienist will recommend a date for your next appointment, which will be somewhere between one month and one year from the first treatment, depending on the child's oral health.

Co balíček obsahuje?

  • Oral health and hygiene check
  • Plaque detection using dye
  • Photo documentation
  • Review of instructions
  • Removal of biofilm using the AIRFLOW method (fine sandblasting using powders from the Swiss company EMS)
  • Removal of tartar using the Piezon No Pain method
  • Application of hydroxyapatite to strengthen enamel

Jak to bude probíhat?

  • 1

    We’ll check the current condition of your child’s teeth and compare it to your previous visit.

  • 2

    We’ll check whether your child is using the recommended accessories correctly, and, if needed, we will review their proper use.

  • 3

    We’ll clean your child’s teeth painlessly using the Swiss GBT protocol (Guided Biofilm Therapy).

  • 4

    Finally, we’ll treat your child’s teeth with a hydroxyapatite solution to strengthen the enamel.